Make your contracts, policies and processes work for you

Trusted by hundreds of teams
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Legal Design

Contract design
Contracts are often complex, confusing, and take way too long to negotiate. We'll help you create simple, well-structured contracts that reduce negotiation times and minimise business risk with clear party obligations and expectations.
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Policy design
We'll redesign your policies to simplify complex language and introduce visual aids which increase transparency and accessibility, and reduce the likelihood of misinterpretation or non-compliance.
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Workflow design
Efficiency and effectiveness are paramount when optimising your legal team. Evaluate your current workflows and identify areas for optimisation. Leverage technology and automation to eliminate manual tasks, reduce errors, and enhance overall productivity.
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Delivering value through design

As an in-house lawyer, you probably know how hard it can be to explain complicated legal concepts to clients, co-workers, and other important stakeholders. Legal documents and processes can cause confusion, leading to delays, increased costs, and even legal disputes. This is where legal design comes into play.
Increase efficiency
Well-designed legal documents and processes can streamline workflows, reduce errors, and save time and costs for you, your stakeholders and your customers.
Improve compliance and risk management
Ensure compliance by presenting legal obligations, requirements, and risks in a clear and concise manner.
Enhanced user experience
Increase customer satisfaction and engagement with more accessible, understandable, and user-friendly legal documents to attract and retain clients.

Contract design

Contracts are often complex, confusing, and take way too long to negotiate. But it doesn't need to be this way. We'll help you create simple, well-structured contracts that are clear and concise while protecting your interests.
Legal Design
User-centred design
We'll consider the specific context of the agreement, who will be using it (i.e. the user), and how it will be used. This allows us to tailor the language and structure of a contract so that it's clear and understandable.
Plain English drafting
We'll redesign your policies to simplify complex language and introduce visual aids which increase transparency and accessibility, and reduce the likelihood of misinterpretation or non-compliance.
Brand and tone of voice
Let's make legal processes accessible and user-friendly. We'll help you identify the needs of your users and design processes that improve overall user experience and minimise errors, delays and inefficiencies.

Policy design

We'll help you create simple, well-structured policies that are clear, concise and easily operationalised. With better designed policies, we can improve compliance, reduce business risk and enhance employee satisfaction.
What is legal design ?
User-centred design
Before we start redesigning a policy, we'll consider its purpose and scope, who will be using it (i.e. the user), and how it will be used. This allows us to tailor the language and structure of a policy so that it's clear and understandable to the specific users.
Plain English drafting
We take a plain English approach to all our drafting because we're firm believers that there's absolutely no point for a policy to be drafted if users can't understand it and don't follow it.
Brand consistency
We ensure that the policy is drafted so that it fits in with the organisation's brand and values. Once we've redrafted a policy, we'll apply a visual design which clearly reflects your unique brand with imagery and icons that enhance readability.

How we optimise your processes

We apply the double diamond methodology to all our Legal Design projects, from document creation to process design and beyond. 
1. Discovery
Understand the needs and challenges of both your legal team and end-users. This involves conducting research, gathering insights, and identifying pain points. 
2. Design and prototype
Generate and explore a wide range of potential solutions to address the identified problems. Narrow down the potential solutions and create tangible prototypes or mock-ups of our proposed solutions. These prototypes are then tested and refined based on feedback from end-users.
3. Delivery and iteration
The refined legal design solution is implemented and launched, closely monitored, and further improved based on feedback and evaluation. This iterative process promotes user-centricity, innovation, and continuous improvement.
We’re delighted with how TLB helped us redesign and reengineer both our processes and our platform.
Previously, everything was heavily weighted towards mitigating legal risks at the expense of the customer experience. With TLB’s guidance, we’ve struck the perfect balance between our legal and commercial priorities. Now, when our customers want to hire and grow, we offer the fastest, most efficient and frictionless service out there.
jared benjamin
Jared Benjamin
Managing Counsel

You have Qs, we have As

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What is legal design?

Legal design is an approach that applies principles of design thinking and user-centred design to improve the accessibility, clarity, and usability of legal information and documents. It involves employing visual elements, clear language, intuitive organisation, and user testing to create legal materials that are more user-friendly, engaging, and easily understandable for non-legal professionals, thereby bridging the gap between complex legal concepts and the general public. TLB applies legal design to everything it does and it is the backbone of our organisation. 

Is Legal Design just about making contracts pretty?

No, legal design is not solely about making contracts or legal documents look visually appealing. While aesthetics can be a part of legal design, its primary focus is on improving the overall user experience and comprehension of legal information, processes and other artefacts.

Legal design aims to simplify complex legal concepts, make legal documents and processes more accessible to a wider audience, and enhance their usability. It involves employing design thinking methodologies to address the specific needs, challenges, and pain points of users when interacting with legal materials. In documents, it can include aspects such as clear language, intuitive organisation, visual aids, plain language explanations, and user testing, all of which go beyond mere aesthetics to create documents that are user-friendly, understandable, and effective in conveying legal information.

What's document design?

Document design refers to the intentional and strategic process of creating legal documents that effectively communicate legal information to their intended audience. It involves applying principles of design, typography, layout, and visual elements to enhance readability, comprehension, and usability of legal documents. The aim is to make complex legal information more accessible, user-friendly, and visually appealing, ultimately improving

What’s the difference between Legal Design and Legal Ops? 

Legal design and legal operations (legal ops) are two distinct concepts within the legal field, focusing on different aspects of legal practice.

Legal design is an approach that applies design thinking principles to improve the accessibility, clarity, and usability of legal information and documents. It involves using design methodologies to create user-friendly and visually appealing legal materials, with the aim of enhancing comprehension for both legal professionals and non-legal individuals. Legal design focuses on how legal information is communicated and presented to users, with an emphasis on visual elements, plain language, organisation, and user-centred design principles.

Legal Ops on the other hand, pertains to the management and optimisation of legal processes, technology, and resources within a legal department or organisation. It involves the strategic and efficient management of legal functions, including project management, technology implementation, financial management, vendor management, performance metrics, and process improvement. Legal operations professionals work to streamline legal workflows, enhance efficiency, and leverage technology and data to drive better outcomes and cost-effectiveness within legal departments.

At TLB, we provide Legal Ops support but delivered with a Legal Design approach - this is what makes us unique and the solutions we deliver work well - because they’re designed with the user in mind. 

Let's streamline your legal operations and get your time back

10x the effectiveness of your team with TLB
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