Frequently Asked Questions

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Can you liaise with other people in the business or does it have to be me? 

Unlike other service providers in this area, we will work as a true extension of your legal team. If you want us to, we’ll liaise directly with stakeholder and third parties as you wish. 

How senior are your lawyers? 

We have a range of lawyers from trainees and NQs to 15 PQE and will assign the appropriate level of lawyer to the work that comes in. All our lawyers are qualified solicitors or working towards qualification. No legal work that’s done by a non-qualified solicitor goes out before it’s reviewed by someone who is qualified.

Where are your lawyers based?

All our lawyers are based in the UK. We don’t have any outsourced teams.

Can you show me who you’ve worked with before? 

Check out our case studies!

Is everyone who works at TLB a lawyer?

Not everyone is but the vast majority of us are either practising solicitors or have a law degree but are now working in a Design and Ops capacity. If you’re looking for roles in the space of Legal Ops and Design, check out our Careers page for open roles.

How big is TLB?

Check out our Team page for more info.

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