UK lawyers

Privacy Notice

Who does this notice relate to?

This Privacy Notice relates to you (yes, you) when you’re on our website. We’ll collect your personal data so that we can get in touch with you and improve the services we provide.

We’ve written a few of these in our time (it’s our job, derr), but if you do have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Notice, please get in touch at

Who do you share my data with?

Our website host (e.g. Webflow)
so we can show you this class content
CRM providers (e.g. HubSpot)
so we can market to you about our wonderful services
Analytic and search engine providers
so we can keep our site (yes, this one) tip-top
Operational software providers (e.g. Google Drive)
so we can show you this class content
With other people or organisations
when the law says we don’t have a choice

Where is my data stored?

This Privacy Notice relates to you (yes, you) when you’re on our website. We’ll collect your personal data so that we can get in touch with you and improve the services we provide.

We’ve written a few of these in our time (it’s our job, derr), but if you do have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Notice, please get in touch at

What data do you collect?

Not much, just your name, email address, IP address and device information.

How is my data used?

  • make our site better and make sure that what’s on our site is presented in the most effective way
  • let you take part in our interactive features on our site
  • directly market to you about our awesome legal services
  • keep our site safe and secure.

This may be based on your consent or legitimate interest.

How long do we keep your data for?

We won t keep your personal data for any longer than we need it unless we’re required to by law.

What are my rights?

  • ask us for a copy
  • ask us to correct it if we have it wrong
  • ask us to delete it
  • ask us to stop or restrict processing it
  • ask us to send it to another company in a sensible way (e.g. not on a floppy disk)
  • withdraw your consent if you’ve given it to us
  • complain to a supervisory authority (although we’d appreciate if you dropped us a message first as we want to be able to help you!)