
Enhancing Toyota’s contracting efficiency by 30%
pink icon with white arrow pinting up
Improvement in contract review process efficiency
pink icon with white arrow pinting up
Reduction in legal team's workload


Toyota Connected Europe (Toyota) is part of the multinational Toyota Group, and is dedicated to transforming mobility through the development of dedicated technology solutions that allow individuals to enjoy connected vehicles and mobility in a safe and compliant environment.

Toyota faced a familiar problem: balancing their contract review and negotiation workload with more strategic initiatives that demanded the legal team’s attention. Toyota chose to leverage TLB's services in order to get back to the strategic work that would drive business growth.

In doing so, Toyota experienced a 30% increase in contract process efficiency and was able to get back to the initiatives that really mattered to the business.

Step 1: Discovery

To begin with, we kicked off with a Discovery session where we explored Toyota’s contract landscape, risk appetite, preferred contract positions, general contract management processes and their legal ops landscape and processes to identify opportunities for optimisation we would later report on. 

Step 2: Setup


Following our discovery session, we tailored our TLB Standard Playbook to suit Toyota’s preferred positions, complete with fallback positions, risk threshold matrix and approvals matrix. 

We also tailored and shared our ‘red flag’ report for Toyota, which is designed to help Legal and Procurement quickly and easily identify risks and dealbreaker issues in lower-risk contracts and seamlessly onward share with the business for them to mitigate those risks.

Legal Ops Diagnostic Report

We also delivered our Legal Ops Diagnostics Report setting out our recommendations as to how Toyota could optimise their processes technology to meaningfully improve their speed to contract, including implementing a legal front door to centralise business requests.

Step 3: Delivery

Contract Management 

We began delivering from day 1, turning contracts around within our 1-3 day SLA. The red flag reports in particular delivered huge value to Toyota, as they were able to clearly articulate risks and how to mitigate them to the business in relation to their high volume, low risk contracts.

Legal Process Optimisation

Toyota also implemented our recommendations to improve their intake and storage processes, having a meaningful impact on their speed to engage with the business and to contract more broadly.


We provided Toyota with complete visibility over what they sent us with our weekly WIP reports and also provided meaningful insights into their contract landscape through monthly reports. Separately, we provided recommendations on how to further improve their contract operations through our Quarterly Optimisation Reports. 

The Outcome

With TLB's help, Toyota's legal team has been able to improve their contract review process efficiency by 30%. This has enabled the legal team to focus more on strategic initiatives, ultimately driving business growth and improved company performance.

A Contracting Bolt-on To Your Business

Our CaaS solution pairs AI software with our expert team to process, negotiate and manage routine contracts with simplicity and speed.
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