
Increasing Remote’s conversion rates through Contract and Workflow Design.
pink icon with white arrow pinting up
Decrease in bounce rates
pink icon with white arrow pinting up
Faster deal cycle


Remote is a global digital platform founded in 2019 that simplifies the process of managing a remote workforce for businesses in over 160 countries.

Remote was experiencing inefficiency in its contracting processes that it needed to fix: as a result of increased demand for its services, Remote’s customer onboarding process was taking up to 3 days, impacting its scalability.

In a world where click-through terms are the norm, Remote sought out TLB’s bolt-on support to optimise its customer agreement and process to bring onboarding time back down to minutes rather than days.

Step 1: Discovery

We kicked off with a detailed discovery session into Remote’s customer contracting process. We found that the existing process, from customer engagement to sign-up, was made up of 50 different steps. The customer contract itself was also made up of three separate contracts, all structured differently, and managed by different internal teams. TLB saw a golden opportunity to rebalance Remote's approach to contractual risk and create a far simpler, more appealing, customer experience for high conversion, better retention, and increased customer satisfaction.

Step 2: Set-up

We redrafted and  consolidated all three agreements into one simple, easy-to-understand and navigate click-through agreement, eliminating negotiation on their terms altogether and a significant reduction in customer pre-contract queries, freeing up Remote’s Legal team for strategic matters.

Step 3: Delivery

We also worked with Remote’s Product team to deliver a new wireframe for Remote's platform with a revised user journey for the terms and conditions sign-up, to be implemented by Product. This new wireframe not only accelerated the sign-up journey but also gave customers the power to self-serve when it came to making simple amendments to their account, something that the team previously did manually.

Remote saw increased conversion rates and reduced internal workload through redesigning their onboarding process, empowering customers to self-serve, and simplifying their terms and conditions.


Overall, Remote saw a 30% decrease in bounce rates, a 20% faster deal cycle, and a sizable increase in customer satisfaction. TLB's legal design approach has helped Remote transform their legal and onboarding processes to improve their customer experience and achieve significant business outcomes.

We’re delighted with how TLB helped us redesign and reengineer both our processes and our platform. Previously, everything was heavily weighted towards mitigating legal risks at the expense of the customer experience. With TLB’s guidance, we’ve struck the perfect balance between our legal and commercial priorities. Now, when our customers want to hire and grow, we offer the fastest, most efficient and frictionless service out there.

Jared Benjamin

Managing Counsel

A Contracting Bolt-on To Your Business

Our CaaS solution pairs AI software with our expert team to process, negotiate and manage routine contracts with simplicity and speed.
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